Saturday 6 February 2016

MY VISION by Karyn Janelle Davis,
as of now.
My vision …
I feel delight, true appreciation and awe within the fullness of awareness I feel as I look upon and within my life in this moment.  There is a deep joy that expresses itself in radiant glory throughout all that I am, I can palpably feel All of me physically, mentally, emotional, spiritual, energetically and vibrationally, and I am in love with the wholeness, completeness, love and honour of being alive, living with grace and purpose in who I am as a conscious aware awake fun loving playful vibrational being every moment having fun and expressing my highest and best.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE that I see this in others too.  That is the magic joy of my perception.   We are ALL MAGNIFICENT!
I’m in complete delight and experience deep appreciation as I witness the healthy positive, transformation and transactional services, programmes, coachings and trainings that have organised themselves into clean clear structures pitched perfectly into a market who is hungry and ready for the incredible value to women and men who participate in my business offerings that have formed from the Spiritual Strip-teeze book, programmes and teachings that flow from my heart, soul and connection to the deep magic of ancient wisdom flowing forth from within me.  For this I am forever grateful, and humbly acknowledge the magestic support that is around me always and in all ways.   I am appreciative and always remember the connection with All that Is and The Creator of All that is….is what we are.  What a joyful blessing.
I am constantly witness to healings for individuals, relationships, families, companies, and the onflow effect to society and the world from the simple, elegant teachings, experiences, learnings and un-learnings, aha’s and connections made from this magnificent ‘work’ that has unfolded into physical form from me.
I believe everyone is already, whole, complete, exquisite and magnificently powerful and I love to see people come into their own power of authentic truth as illusions and old instalments of beliefs effortlessly fall away revealing their natural loved abundant selves.  FREELY lovingly enjoying their own magnificence moment by moment void of judgement, disillusionment and illusions. What fun!  What an honour!  What a joy!
Spiritual Strip-teeze the book and its subsequent programmes came effortlessly and easily into physical form from the magnetic connections of vibration as though it was always meant to be here, as I proudly and lovingly present her to the world.  I have witnessed Spiritual Strip-teeze birth into this world and its manifestation coming into form consciously and deliberately loved and allowed every moment of it with joy and exhilaration.  
I am a living breathing model of possibility, potentiality and expression allowing others also as they experience their shift to be their perfect exquisite expression.  
My growth and expansion: I feel into every moment appreciating the wisdom teachers both seen and unseen, known and unknown, physical and non-physical.  I recognise the multi-dimensional beings and their craft in something that is much bigger than I, yet so deliciously tasted by me and others quenching our thirsty souls, feeding our spirits in well-being and delight.
Under grace and in perfect ways, The benefits of THIS have multiple dimensional expressions of healthy abundance one of which is a monetary reward that has effortlessly and with clarity, precision and organisation allowed my business model to have a turnover of $590,000 annually or better (and my personal profit is $290,000 profit).  In place are automated systems that support the work I do and teach and make everything accessible online and to face to face programmes.  
My clients are happily and joyously engaging with high value resources and programs that inspire them and ultimately reconnect themselves to who they really are in their perfect way.  So that their lives reflect and experience the magnitude of joyful abundance in health, wealth and wellness in their own FREEDOM of expression in their highest and best.
I LOVE the support network around me and consistently let them know of my appreciation.  I deeply appreciate technology and connectivity and the way my business is beautifully automated with other coaches helping me in my business, a specialist who over-sees the running of the marketing arm of the business,  training classes, sales pages, emails, membership sites and opt-in pages etc in place so that I can keep serving my clients and prospects – no matter the time of day or night, or where my attention may be at the time.  Often upon awakening in the morning I see the visual benefits of this as a reality “I made money while I slept!”.
On a personal growth level my fields of perceptions have constantly and consistently grown and continue to do so and I have learnt at levels of mastery to magnify these as a teaching tool so that others too can play within the realms that are here for us to explore, in divinely inspired ways that are simple and real to everyone and anyone who is ready, to live, coach and teach it.
It feels so good knowing that I am making a difference in men and women’s lives. My programs are full and word-of-mouth referrals ensure that my funnel is filled with hungry, eager and willing prospects.
In such a short time with help and guidance from mentors and coaches and my own intuition and my keenly magnified and clarified manifestation process (each moment having the time of my life having fun and feeling amazing!!, allowing the flow and taking inspired action) drawn into my business life
I am so grateful for the last year.
In the last year I have…lived within my theme words “Inspired Action” and have been within my flow on every action step I have taken.   I have finished and completed the full 6 Theta Healing programmes, the Kinergetics programme and a full coaching year with Catherine Newton International.  I have also successfully grown by natural default the clinic and coaching spaces which are now on-line as well moving toward a business that can be run from anywhere in the world.  Which have made me reproducible!!  
What is remarkably exciting is that the one on one learnings have naturally flowed into an innate ability for me to work with groups of people at the same time individually and as a collective instant healing, health and renewal occurs every time.  I am witness to this instant healing.  
Chalm has had a spectacular year at school and we have joyed our year together with all the yummy mummy daughter things we participate in together, having fun and loving our explorations.
Alex is flowing in his own perfection living the life a young man deserves to, knowing he is loved and supported always!
With joy and appreciation My personal cash now effortlessly in my hand $2000 plus after tax and expenses each and every week has unleashed potentials that propel me forward within my thinking of what is possible.
My assets… I am delighted with my New Toyota Corolla and the capital from Mitcham Avenue has been matched and I now have $250,000 in savings
My time...and awareness of time, is that I am always in the perfect place at the perfect time, my timing is flawless and I effortlessly bend the concept of time when required, and lounge in the joy of simply being.  Everything falls into place effortlessly because I know what I want and I am in alignment with that vibrationally and everything organises around me.
My BOOMING - I’m soo delighted.  Inspired visions do come true, with allowing and following clean energy lines the BE Glorious - It’s Sexy to Know Yourself and Spiritual Strip-teeze has been hungrily accepted into the market place.  I am witness to inspired groups of women living their beautifully majestic essence.
My mentors...and connection to Mentors have been made.   I have key mentors that can point in the direction of where to from here and together in support, honour and courage we make a difference in the world.
My team...has grown and I now have people working alongside me in partnerships, joint ventures, co-creations, and building the magnitude of magnetic attraction in a divinely purposeful way.   I have a growing team of people who support my business growth.
My customers...are happy raving fans!  They witness for themselves the miraculous shifts and transformations and are empowered with significant skills from our work together to make a difference every day in their own lives and that of other people.  
My partners…(I have gained clarity on exactly what I want in this area!  yeeha the joys of sifting through contrast has allowed a deep inner knowing in this area)
My health and remarkably youthful, in the flexibility, flow, strength and ease within my body.  My daily rituals attend to this and energetically and physically I am a shining light of health and youthfulness.  All my habits and patterns are aligned with this, it is natural, easy and effortless.
My family & friends...and I connect regularly.   As always we have fun and share great times together, exploring the wonders of who we are and memory making moments occur each time we get together.
My passions & pastimes...include the beautiful land upon which we live and understanding her bountiful return and abundant and exquisite cycles and flows.   I enjoy each season and the gifts that the season brings and I am in harmony with what she offers at the time.  Whether it is a week snow skiiing on her lofty mountains, or a trek through her beautiful forests and bushland, a skip along her shores in summer nesting in the powerful heat of her summer sun by shading in good company under the dappled light of a pohutakawa tree, or quietly meandering down a river on a kayak.  I’m with her, of her and enjoying her.  My gardens are bountiful and the fruit and flora are medicinal by nature.   I’m in love with my connection to her sources.
My anyone I meet, in large groups of people or quietly in my own space is significant.  My ability to attune the finer frequencies and read the stories and learnings within these frequencies has grown and I joyously interact with the multi-dimensional aspects of who we really are.  I take moment my moment learnings and unlearnings and joy in the ongoing potential of life expressing.  I am an aware vibrational being moment by moment bringing heaven to earth.  I feel the joy and acknowledgement of this on an ongoing basis.
My next year...inspires me to continue to dive deep in clarity and show up at an even more prestine level of energy expression.
As always, my children, my beautiful, amazing, gifted children Alex and Chalm are flowing in their life with curiosity and continuing growth, sharing with me their learnings, exploring possibilities and being their incredible amazing beautiful vibrational beings that they are released to be themselves and supported, loved and adored by me every moment of every day.  And they know it!  I have finally taken them on an overseas trip together that was so divine, my heart now just remembering begins to explode, being witness to their joy of being together with me, in an abundant way, knowing that I can afford it, that it is perfect and we made memories every day of that trip.  So much joy and so much fun.     
Chalm and I are loving where we live, it’s perfectly perfect for us!!!  Alex drops in for our family nights, and as always, fun, learnings and good food!!!   I’m blessed so blessed to be their Mum!!!!
Alex proudly helped me choose my new car.  WOW, the cutest little Brand NEW!  Toyota Corolla.  I love the little zippy nature of her gleaming black, the up-to-date technologies within her and her quick easy drive.   It is perfect for me, and me for her.  My easy to park, nice travelling vehicle serves my needs perfectly when I need to drive her.
I have wisely invested my capital from Mitcham Ave and my savings from there have attracted my interest and therefore action to purposely continue to add to that wealth every week.   And having now doubled my money I’m sitting at $250,000 and am going to purchase property with this.
Even though I’m richly cashflow positive and becoming asset rich again, I happily live a simple life and choose to spend my extra cash on experiences with my loved ones especially Alex and Chalm and my Brothers, sisters and their respective husbands, partners and children, when I choose, this includes friends and loved ones.  It is always mutually beneficial and rewarding often in surprising ways.   
I choose not to feed the commercialised market and instead invest in local produce and wholefoods that directly give back to our community.  I consciously choose not to be a major consumer of goods that are unnecessary and instead consciously choose to invest in people and our community, our land and our culture.    
Chalm and I have incredibly lovely things that bring us comfort and allow us to feel safe, appreciated, nurtured and held in our home in a simple and good feeling way.  This makes my heart sing….not what I buy or ‘consume’.   I am a creator, manifestor and one with the divine creator of all that is, and we are always in all ways nurtured, and provided for.     And it is lovely to have buying power.   I regularly check where I am spending my money and ensure that it is truly in line with my values, and not purchases for purchases sake.   
I love the way that I participate within ‘life’ in that I am the life of the dream I am living, I am the breath of the life of the dream and I face life with confidence, knowing deeply within me as I move through the unknown, I am always in all ways, following a depth of inner knowing that all is well.   
From every tuning, moment by moment alignment with all that is I effortlessly tap into my highest potential and draw wisdom and knowledge from her stores.   I delight in everything I do and every decision that I make works out better than I can imagine.  I trust in the flow of life, I trust in the flow of divine expression.  I trust in the love of all that is within me as I continue to learn of the greatness of potential awaiting ignition through awareness, presence and faith.
I love love love that I make meaning of every incident, interaction and experience in my field of life in useful ways that re-inspire me to be my best more often and take those moments to remove or install belief’s and feelings that are constructive to living in joy and harmony.
With deep love and appreciation - I love and thank the nature of who I really am, and joy in my own exploration and expressions of life here in this realm.
With love, joy and deep appreciation,
And so it is… (The Universe)

Thursday 4 February 2016

The Beginnings

On 1 February - I skyped with my now new coach.   We discussed options, and I chose the Platinum package of $25,000 for the entire year.   She is an incredible woman, and we are going to bring out the Spiritual Strip-teeze book.

All agreed - an I am so excited!

My first contact from her after that was an email which read.

Hi Karyn,

Hello from Bali!

What an incredible time this is right now with the portal opening us up this month. I'm calling it Fast-Track February.

I'm about to go into the first dy of training and will send you Step One tonight for you to action tomorrow

I'm so excited about working with you and bringing Spiritual Striptease to the surface. 

I will also send you more info about the Platinum course. There is so much we will do together with this and I can;t wait for the shifts and further abundance that is awaiting you! 

In the meantime, take some time to be reflective today - write or meditate. If you run around too busy today you will miss the gold your Soul is telling you. And there is gold there!!

Have an awesome afternoon!

Catherine x

I cried - deep inner tears - I'm not even sure what about!   But the release was amazing!   

Today I received a personality profile.  The results are below.  I'm not one for personality profiles.  I find them annoying.   But in the spirit of getting started.  Here we go:

Results for Karyn Janelle Davis (


Under Pressure

Self Image

Received on 4/2/2016 from
Copyright © Beyond Success

I'm not really sure what that means at this stage.   

My wheel of life looks like this:

Relationships (Partner)1
Relationships (Children)9
Debt levels9
Cash flow3
Mental Attitude9
Health (Strength)6
Health (Aerobic)5

 And so off we go on a massive, fulfilled journey of discovery!!